
Terms and Conditions

Art. 1 - Information

F.lli Benedettini S.p.a. informs customers/passengers about travel methods, fares, timetables, using vehicles, company infrastructures and other dedicated information spaces. F.lli Benedettini S.p.a. publishes departure times promptly and in easily accessible places; in the event of route changes following planned road works and/or scheduled events,F.lli Benedettini S.p.a. communicates in advance all changes compared to the standard service. In the event of a sudden deviation or accident, passengers receive information on board on the possibilities and methods of continuing the journey.

Art.2 - Ascent, Journey, Descent


The passenger waiting at the authorized stops must signal to the driver his intention to get on the bus by sticking his arm forward; it is not possible to get on outside the stop or when the bus is moving; furthermore, at the stops it is not permitted to approach the bus before it is stopped and with the boarding doors completely open.

During the trip

It is not possible to occupy more than one seat per person.

Leaning over the edge is not permitted.

Smoking is not permitted.

Everyone is asked to help avoid noise, inconvenience and disturbances during the journey by behaving in accordance with decorum and respecting other passengers. Passengers are required to adopt respectful and collaborative behavior towards the on-board staff, to encourage them in carrying out the service. It is not permitted to transport flammable material, except for small quantities of common use packaged according to the law. Loaded and unassembled firearms cannot be transported (this rule does not apply to police officers).

To go down

Report your intention to get out of the car to the on-board staff in good time. Use the exit doors.

Art. 3 - Validity of travel document

The travel document issued is valid exclusively for the day, time and journey indicated and must be shown upon request from the service staff. If the passenger does not have a travel document (paper and/or electronic), he/she can be admitted on board, within the limit of available seats, and the ticket will be issued by the on-board staff. Travel documents that are counterfeit, incomplete or otherwise made illegible are not valid. The travel document is in all respects a fiscal document.

Art. 4- Cancellation or refund of the travel ticket

The cancellation of the ticket must take place before the booked departure, during office hours and must be done by going in person to the ticket office affiliated with the Company where the ticket was purchased or by telephone at 0549-903854 or by e-mail at info@busbenedettini.com. In the event of cancellation of the trip by the traveller, he is entitled to a refund of the ticket price in the amount of:

a) 70% for cancellations registered at least 24 hours before departure;

b) 50% for cancellations registered within 24 hours before departure.

No refund is due for cancellations made after the departure of the trip from the terminus. Without prejudice to what is stated in the first sentence, requests for reimbursement of tickets purchased must be sent via email to info@busbenedettini.com or in writing to F.lli Benedettini S.p.a. - Via Ovella, n.13 – 47893 Borgo Maggiore (Rep. of San Marino) attaching the original ticket and indicating the name and IBAN code of the account where the credit is to be made. For tickets purchased online with credit card payment, the refund will take place exclusively with the cancellation of the transaction and the relative credit back to the credit card.

The passenger loses the right to request a refund, if due, if it is not exercised within 60 days from the date of cancellation. Refunds will be made within two months from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases that require longer investigations. The carrier is not required to refund the part of the ticket not used due to the passenger's inability to continue the journey due to his failure to comply with the provisions of the law, or for reasons attributable to him (for example if he does not returns to the scheduled appointment after the refreshment stop or has to get off the bus for personal or health reasons or is let down by the on-board staff or the authority for harassment or drunkenness, etc.).

Art. 5 - Theft and loss of travel documents

Lost, stolen or damaged tickets are not refundable. In the event of loss, theft, destruction or damage of the travel ticket already purchased, the passenger will be able to travel on the journey for which he was personally booked upon delivery of the report to the authority to a ticket office or a simple self-certification with an attached copy of the identity document, without prejudice to the issuing of a new ticket, with the passenger only paying the administrative costs of issuing it.

Art. 6 - Verification and regularization of the travel document on board

The on-board staff (drivers, inspectors and/or specially appointed external parties

by the Company) is responsible for carrying out surveillance services of assets owned or under concession, protection of company assets and assets supplied to on-board personnel as well as inspections concerning the regularity of travel documents. In particular, the staff in question is responsible for:

a) carry out checks on travel documents and impose administrative sanctions in accordance with current national and regional legislation (Emilia Romagna Regional Law 21/1984 and

Presidential Decree 753/1980 and subsequent amendments);

b) verify the regularity of the operation: respect for timetables, respect for stops;

c) carry out surveillance or custody of assets owned by the Company: buses, offices, ticket offices, warehouses, etc.;

d) surveillance of parked buses and control of access on board;

e) on-board checks aimed at detecting elements of safety risk - abandoned baggage, dangerous objects, etc. - and any critical situations.

The staff in question is also responsible for any other control or surveillance service deemed necessary by the Company, the performance of which does not require the exercise of public powers or the operational use of members of the Police Force.

The personnel appointed by the Company have the power of investigation, which includes checking the identity of people when it is strictly and functionally linked to the surveillance and custody activity referred to above and consequently to impose sanctions which, in the case of regularization of the travel ticket is equal to double the fare paid.

Art. 7 - Card - Subscription - Online seat reservation

The subscription consists of a rechargeable card in which the selected type of subscription will be inserted.

The card has no time limit: once created, simply use the "card code" to top it up.

The season ticket is valid only for the route corresponding to the indicated fare range.

It can be used for the lower tariff bands but not for the higher ones: there are no refunds for use on the lower bands.

The subscription is available for one year (365 days).

It can only be used by one person for each single ride.

It is also possible to book the seat of the ride you wish to use online by following this procedure:

1) choose the San Marino - Rimini or Rimini - San Marino route as if you were to purchase an online ticket;

2) at the time of payment, enter the card code in the "subscription" box and the booking ticket will be sent via e-mail;

3) Once the seat has been booked, the Ticket received will be valid only for the date and time of the ticket;

4) The ticket will never be refundable if the reservation is not used.

Art. 8 - Transport of children
It is possible to board prams and strollers with children, respecting the spaces where they must be placed.

Children taller than one meter are subject to the payment of the ticket; two children under one meter tall pay a single ticket.

Art. 9 - Animal Transport

Small and Medium dogs and other pets can travel upon reservation, carried in arms, in cages or protected containers.

Dogs transported must always be equipped with a muzzle and leash.

Each passenger can only accompany one animal.

Animals must not obstruct the entrances and exits of the vehicle and cannot occupy seats.

If the animal soils, deteriorates the car, or causes damage to people or things in any way, the owner or keeper for any reason is required to pay compensation for damages.

Animals belonging to proven dangerous wild species cannot be transported on the vehicle.

Guide dogs accompanying blind passengers can board the bus freely and free of charge.

Art. 10 - Luggage Transport

The transport of a normal suitcase is permitted, the sum of the dimensions of the baggage must be 140 cm (sum of height, length and depth) not exceeding the weight of 20 kg.

Free transport of a small hand baggage is permitted which the traveler can carry with him and place in the appropriate compartment inside the bus. For each additional piece of luggage, the ticket will be paid to the on-board staff. Compatibly with the availability of space in the designated compartment, the on-board staff may accept unaccompanied baggage at an additional cost; it is possible to send packages (envelope format) upon payment of a fee. F.lli Benedettini S.p.a. does not provide a hold-deposit service, therefore unaccompanied luggage must be delivered/collected at the stops. A label with the passenger's name, surname and address must be affixed to all luggage carried by the passenger. Baggage without a label cannot be accepted on board in any way. For safety reasons it is absolutely forbidden to transport compressed, dissolved or liquefied gas cylinders and in any case explosive, flammable, corrosive, dangerous, harmful and contaminated materials (the transport of which is regulated by particular regulations), fragile materials (vases, cameras, etc.) , precious, containers of wine and oil. In all cases the baggage to be transported must be hermetically sealed.

Art. 11 - Sanctions

Users of the service are required to have a valid travel document, keep it for the duration of the journey and show it upon request of the inspecting agents. Passengers without a travel document or with an invalid travel document (e.g. not stamped) are subject to the payment of a single journey ticket and an administrative fine of €35.00. If the payment of the penalty cannot be made immediately, the offender is required to provide his/her personal details and show an identification document. Passengers who are found with counterfeit or altered tickets or passes are required to pay the administrative fine indicated above, in addition to the amount of the ticket illegally used.

Art. 12 - Complaints and Suggestions

For any complaints and suggestions, please contact:

F.lli Benedettini S.p.a.

Via Ovella, 13 - 47893 Borgo Maggiore – Rep. of San Marino

Tel. 0549 903854

Fax: 0549 906352

Email: info@busbenedettini.com